WARNING - You have accessed a secure U.S. government system that stores data and records containing sensitive information protected by various federal statutes, including the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. ยง 552a). This system is to be used by authorized users* only. Unauthorized user actions or attempts to: (i) access, upload, change, or delete information on this system; (ii) modify this system; (iii) deny access to this system; or (iv) otherwise misuse this system, are strictly prohibited. Such unauthorized or wrongful actions, or attempts thereof, could subject the unauthorized user to civil, administrative, or criminal penalties.

*An Authorized User is an agent or employee of: (1) any tribal law enforcement or regulatory agency when such person accesses the system to verify information supplied by applicant key employees and primary management officials (as defined by NIGC regulations) in connection with determining suitability for employment in an Indian gaming operation; (2) a tribe who seeks information relevant to current or potential employees in Indian gaming operations; and (3) any tribal agency involved in a civil regulatory or enforcement action to protect the integrity of Indian gaming.

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